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SpeakOut is an oral history project dedicated to recording and preserving the history of Dartmouth’s LGBTQIA+ community. All SpeakOut interviews are conducted and audio-recorded by specially trained undergraduate students under the guidance of project staff. Interviews become part of the Dartmouth College Archives and are publicly available at Rauner Special Collections Library and online. SpeakOut collects the stories of the Dartmouth community broadly defined: former students, administrators, faculty, and staff with memories that document an aspect of LGBTQIA+ history at Dartmouth. The project is a collaboration between the Dartmouth College Library and DGALA, the Dartmouth LGBTQIA+ alumni association. It is funded with generous support from the Office of the Provost and the Dean of Libraries, and is part of the College's 250th anniversary celebrations. To read more about the history of SpeakOut and the team behind it, visit the links below.