Second term of thesis (WGSS 99)
A complete and final draft of the thesis must be submitted to the advisor by approximately the 6th or 7th week of spring term in senior year. Please contact the WGSS program for the exact deadline. Note: You should think of this draft as a complete version of your thesis. You will be expected to revise it further based on the comments of your readers.
Oral Presentation
All Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Honors Majors will give an oral presentations of their thesis. Arrangements will be made for research results (1/2 hour) to be presented to a group of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies faculty or in a public forum.
Final Submission
THREE final bound copies of the thesis are due in the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies office no later than the week before the last day of classes in spring term. Students must provide a total of three bound copies of the thesis: One for your advisor, one for the archives in Baker Library, and one for the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies office. The copy for Baker library should be delivered to the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies office.
If necessary, WGSS can fund the final printing of student theses. Students should work with the Program Coordinator to arrange the final printing, if they so choose.
Normally an honors thesis would be no less than 50 pages and no more than 100 pages. If it seems likely that your project will fall significantly outside this norm, please consult your advisor and the Program chair. This is most likely in projects that will involve significant research components other than library research and writing. Once you have handed in your thesis, your advisor will evaluate your final version and make her/his recommendation to the Program based on the quality of your work. During the two-day period just prior to final exams, the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Steering Committee will meet to consider the recommendations of all advisors and then will vote on regular or high honors for all Honors Program participants. Your final grade will be assigned by your primary advisor reflecting your overall participation in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 98 and 99.