Kimberly Juanita Brown Associate Professor, Department of English and Creative WritingDirector, Institute for Black Intellectual and Cultural Life
Mingwei Huang Assistant Professor, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality StudiesFounding Faculty Fellow, Dartmouth Consortium of Studies in Race, Migration, and Sexuality
Patricia Rachael Stuelke Associate Professor of EnglishVice Chair, Department of English and Creative Writing
Janice M. McCabe Associate Professor of SociologyAssociated Faculty, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Francine M. A'ness Lecturer in Women's and Gender StudiesLecturer in Latin American, Latino and Caribbean Studies
Rebecca Elizabeth Biron Director of Leslie Center for the HumanitiesProfessor, Spanish and Portuguese. Joint Title in Comparative Literature
Susan J. Brison Director, Susan and James Wright Center for the Study of Computation and Just CommunitiesSusan and James Wright Professor of Computation and Just Communities
Mary K. Coffey Professor of Art HistoryAffiliated Faculty, Latin American, Latino, and Caribbean Studies Program
Ayo A. Coly Class of 1925 ProfessorshipProfessor, Comparative Literature & African and African American Studies
Sienna R. Craig Jane & Raphael Bernstein Professor in Asian StudiesProfessor, Department of Anthropology
Jorge E. Cuéllar Assistant Professor, Latin American, Latino & Caribbean StudiesFaculty Director, CASA-Cuba Exchange Program
Douglas J. Moody Senior Lecturer in Spanish and Portuguese Languages and LiteraturesLecturer in Writing
Bethany Moreton Professor of HistoryHeilbroner Fellow in Capitalism Studies, New School for Social Research, 2020
Abigail H. Neely Associate Professor of GeographyAffiliated Faculty African and African American Studies
Kristin E. Smith Visiting Associate Professor of SociologyRockefeller Center Policy Research Shop Director
Silvia Spitta Robert E. Maxwell 1923 Professor of Arts and SciencesProfessor of Spanish and Comparative Literature
Roberta L. Stewart Professor of Classical StudiesAffiliated Faculty History, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies (WGSS)
Andrea Tarnowski Chair, Department of French and ItalianAssociate Professor of French and Comparative Literature
Michelle R. Warren Senior Advisor for Faculty Development, Diversity, and Inclusion – Arts and SciencesMary Brinsmead Wheelock Professor of Comparative Literature
Dennis Charles Washburn Professor of Comparative Literature, Asian Societies Cultures and Languages, & Film StudiesBurlington Northern Foundation Professor in Asian Studies in Honor of Richard M. Bressler '52
Jacqueline D. Wernimont Distinguished Chair, Digital Humanities and Social EngagementAssociate Professor, Film and Media Studies
Barbara Will Vice Provost for Academic and International Affairs A. and R. Newbury Professor of English
Mark J. Williams Associate Professor of Film and Media StudiesDirector of The Media Ecology Project (MEP)