Txetxu Aguado

Academic Appointments

Professor of Spanish and Portuguese

Office Hours: by appointment


Dartmouth Hall, Room 301C
HB 6072


  • Licenciado Degree, Euskal Herriko Universitatea
  • M.A. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Selected Publications

  • 65.  "Truthful Memories at the Memorial Site: Understanding Responses to Terrorism in Madrid." Bridges Across Cultures (Submitted)

  • 61.  "Spanish State Terrorism: Writing the History of its Violence."  International Journal of Iberian Studies (IJIS) 36.3 (2023).  (Peer reviewed).

  • 56.  "Huidas imposibles: El envejecimiento y el turismo sexual femenino en Hacia el sur (2006) de Laurent Cantet y Paraíso: Amor (2012) de Ulrich Seidl."  Co-written with Annabel Martin (Dartmouth College).  Tecnología de la edad.  Imaginarios cinematográficos de la vejez.  Eds. Raquel Medina & Barbara Zecchi.  Granada, Spain: Comares, 2023: 175-86.  (Peer reviewed)

  • 47.  "Otra política visual de la representación sexual: el porno feminista de Erika Lust."  Pasavento.  Revista de Estudios Hispanos VI, I (invierno 2018): 43-60.  (Peer reviewed)

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Selected Works & Activities

  • Book: Sexualidades disidentes: un acercamiento fílmico desde la prostitución y la pornografía.  Madrid: Dykinson, 2019. Despite my critique of prostitution and pornography in their widely normalized manifestions, this study also addresses the intelectual and concrete spaces these practices open in exploring and elaborating non-patriarchal sexualities. 

  • Book: Tiempos de ausencias y vacíos: escrituras de memoria e identidad. Deusto University Press-Publicaciones de la Universidad de Deusto (Bilbao, Spain). Fall 2010. A study of the interrelations between memory and identity in the Spain of the Transition and post-Transition historical period. 

  • Book: La tarea política: narrativa y ética en la España posmoderna. Barcelona: Montesinos-El Viejo Topo, 2004. A rethinking of postmodern subjectivities and their ethical positionings in literary texts by Juan Goytisolo, Rosa Montero, Manuel Vázquez Montalbán y Jorge Semprún. 

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