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I specialize in the literature, culture, and history of the long eighteenth century. My particular areas of interest include romanticism, Atlantic studies, the novel, the philosophy of history, aesthetic and genre studies, ecological literary modes, biopolitics, and critical theory.
"Agamben's Grammar of the Secret Under the Sign of the Law," Law and Critique 20.3 (2009): 281-297.
"'Faintly Struggling Things': Trauma, Testimony, and Inscrutable Life in Beckett's The Unnamable." Samuel Beckett: History, Memory, Archive. Ed. Séan Kennedy and Katherine Weiss. New York: Palgrave, 2009. 89-111.
"'Disdaining Bounds of Place and Time': John Clare's Nomadic Poetics." Blackwell Literature Compass 3.3 (2006): 376-387.
"Hegel," "Kojève," "History," "Common," and "Derrida," The Agamben Dictionary. Ed. Alex Murray and Jessica Whyte. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2011.
"What Guy Fawkes Night Can Teach Us About the Abuse of Power." Fortune. November 6, 2017.
"Secret History and Naked Trump." The National Book Review. November 4, 2016.
“What Frankenstein Can Tell Us About Climate Change.” WBUR, Boston NPR’s Cognoscenti. May 4, 2016.
“The Impersonal Politics of the Guy Fawkes Mask.” The Conversation. December 23, 2015.