Gaza Is Burning, A Critical Solidarities Series @Dartmouth WGSS
Join us Oct. 23 for a conversation with Maura Finkelstein and Annelise Orleck, and Oct. 29 for a talk by Amira Haas
[more]Join us Oct. 23 for a conversation with Maura Finkelstein and Annelise Orleck, and Oct. 29 for a talk by Amira Haas
[more]The members of WGSS want to affirm our admiration for Professor Sachi Schmidt-Hori as a brilliant teacher and scholar, to express our gratitude for her important work in our program and in the college, and to repudiate the completely ignorant attacks on her. A quick reading of these makes clear that none of them is based in any actual knowledge of her work, but in racism, misogyny, and homophobia.
[more]"The single biggest off-the-books investment that keeps stripped-down neoliberal economics working is free female labor," historian Bethany Moreton tells Ali Breland in the June 3, 2024 Mother Jones article, "How Q Became Everything: The conspiracy group's goal was to convince people the world is run by pedophiles, and, well, mission accomlished." Read the full article at
[more]We in the WGSS program want to register our distress and outrage at the administration's response to the Gaza demonstration on May 1, and our solidarity with the students and faculty who were arrested or otherwise harmed. The President invited police onto campus to a peaceful demonstration, apparently with no limits on their treatment of the group. We are particularly horrified that a SWAT team, complete with guns and a police dog, were summoned to the campus—we note the tragic irony that this event was close to the 54th anniversary of the Kent State massacre.
[more]The former president of Kosovo has long spoken out about sexual violence in war.